LSA Global Insights Newsletter: 2021

November 20, 2021

The Benefit of Putting Customers First



Your Sales Team Should Be Upselling - Right?

How many times have you been told in business sales training to look for ways to upsell your buyers?


Certainly, selling more to existing customers is easier than winning over new customers. And if you do upsell effectively, you provide more value for your customer. Win-win.


But there is more to the story of the benefit of putting your customers first.


Upselling only tells part of the story. In fact, there are times when instead of upselling, a successful salesperson ought to try the opposite technique — downselling.


Establishing Credibility and Trust

Think about meeting a sales prospect for the first time.


They may have little reason to trust you. Buyers may believe you have an agenda that deprioritizes their needs and that you’re there to make the biggest sale you can.


But what if you show them you’re willing — even happy — to make a smaller sale if doing so truly serves their interests?


A Large-Scale Study

Researchers from three U.S. universities gave the servers of a large restaurant chain the option of either upselling four expensive dishes or downselling four inexpensive options. Several hundred customers were served under these conditions, and the researchers then went back and surveyed the responses.


The results have immediately applicable implications for you and your sales team.







Daniel Heckman

Director of Sales Enterprise Accounts

Avid Technology

"We turned to LSA to help us take our executive and solution selling skills to the next level.


Their ability to formally assess our situation, identify key sales skill gaps, develop a plan to measure the results, and fully implement a key sales initiative has been outstanding.


LSA delivers the full solution; not just business sales training."

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October 30, 2021

Top 7 Reasons to Run a Project Retrospective for Your Team

Most Work Today is Accomplished through Teams on Projects
Regardless of official titles, most clients tell us that the majority of their work is accomplished through projects and project teams.

That means they need to be confident and capable at coordinating work and stakeholders across different functions with varied, and often conflicting, needs, expectations, and pressures.

So how can you learn to be a better project manager? A better project team member? It all starts with understanding what is working and what is not working for your specific situation. 

Some Research
Research conducted by the Wharton School, Cornell, and the University of Colorado, found that prospective hindsight — imagining that an event has already occurred —increases the ability to correctly identify reasons for future outcomes by 30%.

So, wouldn’t it be fair to assume that a project retrospective, or project post mortem, done right, should improve future project outcomes by 30%?

We think so.

The Top 7 Reasons to Run a Project Retrospective with Your Team
Let’s start with the top reasons our clients run a project retrospective:

1. Set Up Future Projects for Success
Most leaders or project sponsors want to run a project retrospective to increase the odds that future projects and future project teams are set up to avoid past missteps and be better designed for success.

The process often occurs after a major project failure when it is critical that key lessons be learned.

2. Clarify Where Things Stand
Often project teams just need to get on the same page about the current situation. They need to come together to analyze and agree upon where things really stand before moving forward.

Do not underestimate the power of current state analysis during times of change and complexity.

3. Provide a Safe Forum for People to Be Heard
In general, people long to fit in, to feel appreciated, to be understood, and to connect with others on their project team. Especially after a long, challenging, and complex project, a project retrospective gives the team a forum to share perspectives and to acknowledge contributions.

Those three reasons are pretty obvious. Others may surprise you and pinpoint missed opportunities for improvement and alignment.

Eric Vernon
Director Of Operations 
Dolby Laboratories
"LSA recently designed and delivered a project post mortem for a highly strategic project with a group of 25 team members from engineering, design, marketing, product management, sales, manufacturing, purchasing, business development, research, and finance. The pre-workshop diagnostic, interviews, and experiential session exceeded our expectations.

We were able to honestly and effectively get everything out on the table, agree upon key lessons, and create a targeted action plan that made sense for our unique situation, team, and culture.

The whole process made a very complex and potentially political situation a big success. We could not have done the retrospective without LSA."

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Proven tools for managers to be set up for success
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Get Aligned. Stay Aligned.™

September 25, 2021

How to Empower Employees to Make Better Decisions

Who Should Decide?
Do your leaders and managers feel overwhelmed by all the decisions they must make day-by-day? The chances are that they have plenty of company.

It is estimated that decision making can take up to 70% of a manager’s time. Leaders and managers need to gain better decision making capabilities.

Understandably, many leaders and managers would like to offload some decisions but, if they don't do it right, results and relationships may suffer.

Delegating decisions can backfire unless you have properly prepared people to take on and make important decisions in a way that makes sense.

How to Empower Employees to Make Better Decisions?
First, according to management training experts, leaders and managers need to determine which decisions can be delegated and to whom.

Typically, easily delegated decisions are rather simple, everyday decisions that can be entrusted to the person or team most familiar with the situation or problem.

But even seemingly innocuous decisions can have far-reaching consequences.

For example, a client team member under pressure recently chose a cheaper small part for their product in order to meet budget targets. But it ended up compromising overall performance to the point that more money and time had to be spent to fix the unintended consequences.

Blake Krikorian
Sling Media
"An extremely effective executive strategic decision making training session that helped our executive team navigate through our core objectives.

It was exactly what we needed. 

The approach was practical and valuable for our specific business and market. I would recommend LSA to anyone looking to push their decision making to the next level."
Toolkits for Leaders & Managers
Proven tools for leaders to boost performance
Proven tools for managers to be set up for success
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