LSA Global Insights Newsletter: April 2009

April 21, 2009

Is Your Learning Solution Set Up to Succeed?

Over 50% of executives today are unhappy with the returns from their investments in learning.

Accordingly, it is not surprising that in tough economies, learning is often one of the first areas to be questioned or cut. In good or bad times, slashing training that does not have a clear business impact makes a lot of sense to us.

While it seems like common sense to ensure that learning investments are set up to succeed, we continue to be surprised that billions are spent each year on corporate training without any assurance that the money is being spent wisely. This does not mean changing all training to elearning because you have a travel freeze or because you want to reduce costs. While elearning can certainly be an effective medium, it means only doing training that makes business sense and setting it up to succeed - regardless of the approach.

Smart organizations make sure that they address ten key training best practice questions before launching any training initiative.

A proper assessment is more than a skill gap analysis. It allows companies to effectively initiate change, align stakeholders, customize solutions, predispose participants, guide coaching, set baseline metrics, target investments, and obtain buy-in.

Starting off on the right foot provides the foundation to save time, money, and reputations.  Find out where do you stand and How do you stack up?

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned

The #1 Reason Training Initiatives Fail

Training by itself typically does not work. The difference between success and failure is often not apparent until it is too late.

When we talk to HR and training, they consistently tell us that learning initiatives fail for one of three reasons.

  1. "Managers do not have the time for their people to be taken away from their jobs to attend training."
  2. "We do not have enough executive support or budget to do this right. So this is better than nothing."
  3. "We need to do a better job marketing and communicating what we are offering to employees so we can fill these classes. This is really good stuff."
Guess what? It is probably not "really good stuff." Business executives tell us that all three assumptions are largely incorrect.

Unfortunately these common statements reflect the #1 reason that business unit executives, line managers and new supervisors believe that training initiatives fail - a lack of ...Learn More

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned

Leading for Employee Engagement - Igniting Accountability, Commitment and Change-Readiness

Did you know that:
  • Over 70% of employees are NOT fully engaged

  • Many CEO's are questioning if their employees have what it takes

  • Lack of employee engagement costs US businesses over $270 billion dollars a year

  • Increased engagement can lead to 2-3% increase in operating margin
It's easy to believe that your employees are engaged when they work long hours, you have low turnover, and the job market is in shambles. However, don't be deceived. People often put in long hours begrudgingly and top performers are always in demand. You need your employees' full effort to reach your targets.

Is there a way to help your people avoid disengagement given the reality of the business challenges that you face?

The answer is, yes. Our research-based Leading for Employee Engagement Program shows leaders how to create an environment in which employees are engaged in spite of the challenging times.

Download the complimentary Employee Engagement Best Practices White Paper.

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned

Employee Engagement Health Check - Are You Doing What it Takes?

Can you afford to have nearly 70% of your workforce complacent or actively disengaged? 

Unfortunately, recent studies show this to be the case across much of corporate America.

Another startling statistic: engaged workers are over 40% more productive and effective than their disengaged counterparts.

At a time when many companies are struggling to succeed with the "people left behind," those statistics are unacceptable to us. The good news is that the grim data on the lack of engagement may shine a light on an opportunity for you and your organization to increase discretionary effort and productivity, manage and retain talent, and come out of this economic storm stronger than you were before.

While Employee Engagement has garnered considerable interest in the last few years, we believe that most companies have not scratched the surface of the impact that Employee Engagement efforts can have on a company's bottom line.

Do you know if you are doing what it takes to effectively engage your employees?

Based upon over 20 years of research and data gathered from over 20,000 managers and 60,000 employees across multiple industries, we have identified the core areas that drive successful employee engagement.

How do you compare? Taking 10 minutes to complete this confidential and complimentary Employee Engagement Health Check could be the first step toward increasing productivity, retention, and profitability for you and your company.