LSA Global Insights Newsletter: July 2008

July 1, 2008

Bottom Line Learning - Leaders in Action

Less than 25% of corporate training initiatives are directly tied to a company's key business initiatives.

Economic uncertainty often rightfully spells trouble for corporate learning agendas and other expenditures that are not closely linked to a company's strategic priorities. Difficult times can also be a difficult time to get leaders to attend learning programs because they are too busy working on "other priorities."

However, these times can also be a call to Learning and Development leaders to align their activities with prevailing priorities and mission critical programs intended to have a quantifiable impact on the bottom line of the company. If none exist, consider taking your game to the next level by championing a learning initiative that will do just that.

For Learning and Development leaders looking to have a real impact on the business, their challenge is turning Learning and Development initiatives into direct value creation processes - one that prepares leaders to better manage the business and execute the strategy while creating immediate value to the business. State of the art leadership development is quickly being viewed as learning that takes place within the context of work initiatives tied to strategic business imperatives.

Action Learning provides an ideal platform for achieving both powerful leadership learning and meaningful business results. It is a process where developing leaders work on a project to produce real business results while learning new leadership and business skills. In essence, it creates a structured practice field to learn through doing. The level of complexity and infrastructure can range from simple assignments with a small group of leaders to company wide, mission critical business transformations.

Learn more about our Bottom Line Learning: Leaders in Action Program...

About LSA Global

Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned

7 Action Learning Design Best Practices

Would you be surprised to find that most Action Learning Programs do not change behavior or deliver true business results?

While Action Learning can be a powerful learning platform, poor action learning design can greatly minimize the desired impact. As a guiding design principle, we have found that the larger the dose of "business reality" - the better.

To us " business realty" means a minimum $6 million to the bottom line though revenue increases and/or cost reductions.

With that in mind, here are 7 Action Learning design best practices that should be addressed.

About LSA Global

Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned