LSA Global Insights Newsletter: August 2017

August 26, 2017

How to Optimize Sales Performance in the Face of Increased Pressure

You need to optimize sales performance to  stay in the race and win.

Sales and sales strategies have become more important and more complex in the last few years.

Although there are hundreds of technology platforms available to support sales teams and sales leaders, most sales forces struggle to optimize sales performance in the face of these challenges:

  • Intense competitive pressures and rapid shifts in the marketplace
  • Increased commoditization and pricing pressure
  •  More savvy buyers with greater expectations and information
  •  Greater difficulty consistently attracting, developing, engaging and retaining top sales talent that fit the sales strategy
  • Growing internal pressure to focus on short-term performance at the expense of long-term health and success

For sales leaders willing to look beyond a weekly sales forecast, there are a few smart moves you can make to greatly optimize sales performance. The key is to align sales strategy, culture and talent. Our recent organizational alignment research found that sales leaders across all industries who achieve this three-part alignment grow revenues 58% faster, are 72% more profitable and retain customers 2.23-to-1 compared to their less aligned peers.

The good news is that sales growth is within reach. 

Sales Strategy
It all starts with sales strategy. Our research found strategic sales clarity accounts for up to 31% of the difference between high and low performing sales organizations. High performing sales leaders start by creating a sales strategy that outlines clear and compelling choices about where to play and what actions to take. Done right, a successful sales plan sets a sales force up to perform beyond just the sum of its parts because it creates ruthless focus and alignment.  

You will know that you are headed in the right direction in terms of clarity when your sales strategy outlines:

  • Target Clients: Where you should win the majority of the time. 
  • Differentiation: What differentiates you from the competition in the eyes of your target clients in a way that drives premium pricing, increases qualified lead generation and improves customer retention.
  • Success Metrics: How sales success and failure will be measured at the corporate, team and individual levels. This includes identifying how sales, marketing and other functions need to work together to execute the sales strategy gracefully with your customers' best interests at heart.
  • Sales Processes: Which critical few sales processes matter most in terms of meeting your sales targets and executing your sales strategy.  
  • Sales Barriers: What top 10 barriers to overcome for sales success during the next 12 to 36 months.
  • Action Plan: How, specifically, to execute your sales strategy and surmount the key barriers based upon your identified strategic priorities. 

If you want to optimize sales performance, start by creating a clear, believable and implementable sales strategy that is aligned with the overall business strategy. The clarity will lead to better decisions and greater levels of empowerment to serve your target clients.  

Make sure your sales leaders leave no doubt that they are fully committed to the plan before you move into implementation mode. 

Want to learn more about how to optimize sales strategy, download the Full Sales Performance Article Now

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned

Business Sales Training Programs Need Sales Coaching to Succeed

You need a coach for business sales training programs to take you to your next peak of performance.

Sales success can be elusive. 

Based upon having measured sales training programs for the last 20 years, we believe that business sales training programs on their own are often an exercise in futility.

Sure, customized and targeted business sales training programs help sales reps to become more aware of what it takes to perform and the gain the specific consultative selling skills they need to succeed. But our research shows that business sales training program participants must be consistently held accountable, must believe the new skills and knowledge are required for them to succeed, and must have a competent sales coach to help them improve.  Without all three, only 20% sales reps change their behavior from business sales training.

Processes must be implemented to measure the progress of each sales rep and to encourage skill adoption when it matters most. And, to ensure continuous learning, each sales rep needs a sales performance coach who can provide the support to improve.

What does it take to be an effective sales coach...the kind of coach that capitalizes on and is a necessary part of any business sales training program?

1.  Believability. 
A sales coach is believable only if they have not only “carried a bag” successfully, but also if they have successfully managed and coached other sales force’s before. Sales coaches need to know what it takes to motivate and support behavior change in a way that works for each coachee. 

2.  Performance. 
The fundamental purpose of a sales coach is to help improve sales performance in a way that aligns with both the sales strategy and sales culture.  Make sure that expectations are clear, goals are defined and progress is tracked along the way.

3.  Feedback. 
The best sales coaches provide a mirror into strengths and weaknesses and focus on improving future performance. They know how to encourage with authentic, timely, accurate, and precise insights, feedback and encouragement.

If you want to improve skill adoption from your business sales training programs, incorporate targeted sales coaching into your training design.  Reps who receive consistent and frequent sales coaching outsell their peers 4-to-1.

Want to learn more about supporting solution selling training skill adoption and performance improvement?  Download The Truth about Sales Coaching and the Biggest Mistakes to Avoid

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned