LSA Global Insights Newsletter: Executive Development: Improving Strategic Execution

March 20, 2011

Executive Development: Improving Strategic Execution

Done right, Executive Development should have a greater company-wide impact than any other learning initiative.

In addition to improving the capabilities of your top executives, the outcomes of any world-class executive development program should include tangible business results in:

  • Increased revenue
  • Decreased costs and/or
  • Increased productivity
We find that successful Executive Development & Coaching initiatives are typically designed to fit the specific goals and needs of an organization and its personality.

Because each situation and leadership team is unique, we have found that "one size" does not fit all when it comes to effectively developing executives. We also know that "off-the-shelf" executive development is typically a waste of both time and money in terms of changing leadership behavior or improving leadership results.

Last year, LSA's Leadership Development Program directly drove $13m to our client's bottom-line in only 12 months. What impact is your leadership program having on your business?

Read more about Leadership Development Options that Create Measurable Business Results...

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned