LSA Global Insights Newsletter: The #1 Reason Training Initiatives Fail

April 21, 2009

The #1 Reason Training Initiatives Fail

Training by itself typically does not work. The difference between success and failure is often not apparent until it is too late.

When we talk to HR and training, they consistently tell us that learning initiatives fail for one of three reasons.

  1. "Managers do not have the time for their people to be taken away from their jobs to attend training."
  2. "We do not have enough executive support or budget to do this right. So this is better than nothing."
  3. "We need to do a better job marketing and communicating what we are offering to employees so we can fill these classes. This is really good stuff."
Guess what? It is probably not "really good stuff." Business executives tell us that all three assumptions are largely incorrect.

Unfortunately these common statements reflect the #1 reason that business unit executives, line managers and new supervisors believe that training initiatives fail - a lack of ...Learn More

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned