LSA Global Insights Newsletter: Truly Managing Performance

October 1, 2007

Truly Managing Performance

Performance Management is a hot and confusing topic these days.

First of all, the term has different meanings for different people.

Secondly, business leaders who plan to introduce a Performance Management initiative have a variety of important concerns that they are trying to address:

  • Inability to execute key strategic goals.
  • Need to reduce overall costs and increase productivity.
  • Retention of top performers in key positions.
  • Lack of bench strength and succession risk.
  • Desire to formalize and actively develop cultural philosophies and values.
Just as concerns vary, so do Performance Management implementation strategies, practices, and tools. Whether the initiative is focused on aligning goals, integrating systems, or performance coaching, the underlying objective is to positively influence and align individual performance. Yet, most PM initiatives are still founded on the initial premises and assumptions of traditional Performance Management approaches.

Learn more about how to manage performance...

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned