LSA Global Insights Newsletter: The Truth about Who to Coach and How to Assess their Performance

August 31, 2013

The Truth about Who to Coach and How to Assess their Performance

Is it possible that what you learned about coaching is wrong?

For much of the sales world, the notion that sales coaching is an essential ingredient in improving sales organizations is not up for debate. But while the debate about the necessity of sales coaching may be over, most sales leaders - if they're honest - will tell you that they barely have time to manage their sales teams - and they just don't have time to coach.

With that reality as the backdrop, we want to pose this question - What if you could cut your coaching time in half and get better results?

In our decades years of working with leading sales executives and front line managers, we have identified what we consider to be the top two mistakes that hinder effective sales coaching - mistakes that if avoided, will greatly simplify the sales coaching process and minimize the time it takes to effectively develop your reps.

Read more about the top 2 sales coaching mistakes and what to do about it...

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned