LSA Global Insights Newsletter: All Aboard to Increase Inside Sales and Customer Service Retention

January 30, 2013

All Aboard to Increase Inside Sales and Customer Service Retention

Losing good employees is expensive.

The inside sales and customer service areas at most companies have annual turnover well north of 25%.

While the reasons for this are many, it typically boils down to two things:

  1. These are tough jobs and one has to have a thick skin to be successful and stay in it for the long term.
  2. Many companies struggle to create a compelling work environment that fosters performance and longevity.

A key contributor to the success or failure in both of these categories is the new hire's on-boarding experience.

This begins when the employee first sees an ad or talks to a recruiter and continues all the way to being a fully functional team member.

The experience can last anywhere from thirty days to a year depending on the complexity of the job.

Read more about how to effectively on-board new customer service hires...

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned