LSA Global Insights Newsletter

September 28, 2024

Top 7 Tips to Get Honest Strategy Feedback from Employees: A Guide for Leaders

Do We Really Need to Involve People Upfront?

While it sounds easier and more efficient to just tell people what you want them to do, we know from our organizational alignment research that active involvement in the strategy design process fosters a needed sense of ownership and involvement. 

When it comes to strategic buy-in and commitment, honest strategy feedback from employees is more than just a nice-to-have — it is a necessity to set up strategy execution up for success. 

Active employee involvement and two-way communication foster a culture of transparency and trust that empowers teams to make informed decisions that align with both organizational goals and employee needs.

The Benefits of Getting Honest Strategy Feedback from Employees

With so much time and effort put into annual strategy retreat facilitation, it is painful to hear that only 30% of organizations report that they fully execute their strategies. So, what is the problem? 

Research by Bain found that the ability to effectively engage employees in the strategy process is the No. 1 strategy execution success factor — more than 50% higher than any other factor.

How to Get Honest Strategy Feedback from Employees

How can leaders better engage employees in the strategy process? 

It starts with seven steps that encourage candid, constructive feedback from their teams about strategic directions and plans.

How does your approach stack up?







Martena Kusz

VP of Strategy

J.S. Held

"You and your change management approach were exactly what we needed to create the clarity, transparency, and alignment.


Thank you for navigating a high stakes, complex, and political process with thoughtfulness and practicality."




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August 24, 2024

How to Increase the ROI of Sales Training



How to Increase the ROI of Sales Training



Are You Getting a Return on Your Sales Training?

Even though $20 billion is spent on business sales training per year, more than a third of sales leaders admit that they do not have a clear idea of what measurable return they are looking for on sales training. 

That is a costly mistake if you want to increase the ROI of sales training.

While investing in solution selling training skills to boost sales performance makes sense, our training measurement research found that only 1-in-5 sales reps change their behavior and performance from stand-alone sales training. 


Because merely conducting sales training sessions (regardless of how good they are) does not guarantee improved sales results.

The real challenge lies in fundamentally changing and reinforcing the key sales mindsets, behaviors, and skills required to consistently deliver higher sales performance.

7 Strategies to Increase the ROI of Sales Training

If you want to move the needle, here are seven research-backed strategies to increase the ROI of sales training initiatives. 

How does your sales training stack up?







Robert Zeman

District Sales Manager


"This sales strategy and methodology moved my team from good to great, outperforming teams four times our size.

We are now guides and managers of the sales process rather than pushers and pullers.

Employing these techniques opened doors with decision makers who consistently denied access in the past.

Bottom line, it worked in the toughest market we’ve ever faced."



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July 27, 2024

Top 10 Steps to Better Design Strategy Success Metrics

Top 10 Steps to Better Design Strategy Success Metrics



Are You Measuring and Rewarding The Right Stuff?

Workplace metrics impact workplace behaviors and performance.  Strategic buy-in and strategy execution hinges on the ability to measure success accurately and transparently. Designing the right strategy success metrics can mean the difference between a leadership team collectively steering toward its strategic targets and veering off course.

Designed properly, metrics provide clear direction, motivation, and accountability. Designed poorly, they can lead to unwanted behaviors, misaligned actions, and unhealthy cultures

Consider the infamous example of Wells Fargo.

Wells Fargo: Strategy Success Metrics Gone Bad

To best implement their customer growth strategy, executives identified metrics linked to cross-sales to customers to measure performance. Makes sense right? Satisfied customers should buy more products and services.

Unfortunately, the obsession with the success metric (and the associated rewards for achieving it), caused the sales force to lose sight of the strategic intent to build long-term and mutually beneficial customer relationships. 

Wells Fargo opened 3.5 million deposit and credit card accounts without their customers’ consent to meet aggressive targets. And, in turn, severely damaged the long-term relationships that the bank strategically sought in the first place.

They were fined hundreds of millions of dollars, damaged customer relationships, and sullied their brand. In hindsight, it is easy to see that “cross-selling” by itself was not the best or only of way to measure and align with building long-term and mutually beneficial customer relationships.

There is a better way to align metrics with strategies.







Dr. Raphael B. Merriman M.D
Medical Director, Liver Transplantation

Sutter Health

"The strategy and alignment work with our leadership team was absolutely transformational. 


The decisions we made combined with the transparency, communication, and accountability were exactly what we needed. 


Thank you!"




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