LSA Global Insights Newsletter: 4 Research-Backed Steps to Create High Performance

June 27, 2016

4 Research-Backed Steps to Create High Performance

a swimmer races toward the finish line with the butterfly stroke

Did you know that there are over 70 possible leadership actions available to an executive at any given time that can significantly change performance? 

It is no wonder why many leaders and companies get lost in and frustrated by impractical theories and expensive consultants trying to make sense of it all. 

To better understand the dynamics that improve high performance, we spent 20 years researching such elite institutions as Harvard, the U.S. Special Forces, Cisco, Accenture, MIT, NASA, and the Juilliard School. The results point us toward the top leadership moves necessary to drive higher performance.

Those leaders around the world with whom we have worked to identify and execute these high performance actions tell us that they have: 

  • Increased productivity by 25%
  • Gained over $500,000 in annual benefits
  • Improved performance of 40% of the workforce 
  • Improved net profit by $100,000 per month 
  • Raised average revenue per person by 400%

Typically leaders want to understand the specific dynamics affecting human high performance in their organization or team to align their culture with their business and talent strategies, better realize stretch objectives, benchmark themselves against high performance best practices and increase accountability for performance improvement.

After an initial leadership education session that focuses on the high performance research and the critical dynamics that stimulate performance, our usual approach involves 4 key steps: 

  1. Assess Your Current Performance EnvironmentUnderstand the existing performance environment using our proven High Performance Environment Diagnostic. The high performance environment assessment enables leaders to quickly build a detailed picture of the current performance environment and accurately pinpoint key levers to improve and sustain performance.  
  2. Strategize the Two Key Leadership MovesReview the diagnostic results with the Leadership Team and agree on the two key leadership actions that, if taken, will result in the most dramatic improvement in performance across the organization. 
  3. Execute the Two Key Leadership MovesImplement the two leadership actions in a way that makes sense for your strategy and unique circumstances. 
  4. Measure Improvement and Agree Upon Next StepsRe-test to monitor progress against success metrics and to continuously improve.

Read About the 2 Key High Performance Leadership Moves to Make

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned