LSA Global Insights Newsletter: January 2012

January 31, 2012

Keys to Building a High Performance Contact Center

Just 5%.

A 5% increase in customer loyalty can boost profits by as much as 25% to 85%.

It is up to the Contact Center Leadership Team to stimulate improved performance and execution so these gains become a reality. The leaders need to create the circumstances that elicit better performance from their people.

The good news is that positive customer experiences drive repeat business, cross-selling and up-selling of services, loyal customers, and referrals. As well, positive experiences decrease the overall costs of service and sales.

The bad news is that contact center technology has not been the great equalizer between people and their performance that had been hoped. While technology has helped to mitigate poor performance and standardize overall performance, it hasn't fully resolved high attrition rates, lack of engagement, and embarrassing service and sales failures. These problems and a variety of other ills continue to plague contact centers and result in lost revenue, high service costs, and low customer loyalty.

So the key question for Contact Center Leaders and their bosses is not "why" high performance but rather "how"?

Fortunately, with the help of 16 years of research and the biggest bank of high performance environment data in the world, the "how" has become a whole lot easier.

Read how to create a high performance environment in your contact center... 

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned

Customer Service - How to Live Your Brand Promise

Brand experience does matter. 
According to the Chief Marketing Officer Council, 54% of those surveyed said they'd give up their memberships in Loyalty Clubs if they had a negative product or service experience with a brand.

It's critical that the customer service you deliver does not in any way reflect poorly on your brand. The potential loss of business is far too high, even with those customers who indicated a preference for your product by signing on as a club member.

When Harvard Business Review asked consumers what dimensions of customer service they would most like to see companies measure, the highest number (65%) said "knowledgeable employees." Consumers defined these desirable employees as being able to "answer my questions without putting me on hold, searching for someone, or transferring me."

62% said they value the customer service employee who "treats me like a valued customer" and 54% want a service person who "demonstrates desire to meet my needs." The lowest percentage, 31%, wanted "relevant/personalized service."

Any way you cut it, in order to thrive, organizations must create positive experiences for their customers with each and every interaction. These positive interactions drive the repeat business, cross-selling and up-selling of services, loyal customers, and referrals that maintain revenue growth and reduce costs of sales and service.

Customer service training should equip your service employees with targeted and effective customer service skills that allow you to truly "live your brand promise."

Learn more about:

Knowledge Management

Front Line Service Skills

Relationship Service Skills

Branding Service Skills

Customer Conflict Skills

Electronic Communication Skills

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned