LSA Global Insights Newsletter: May 2011

May 31, 2011

Benchmarking: Is Your Learning Solution Set Up to Succeed?

Over 50% of training initiatives fail to meet business expectations.Accordingly, it is not surprising that in tough times, learning is often one of the first areas to be questioned or cut.

While it seems like common sense to ensure that learning investments are set up to succeed, we continue to be surprised that billions are spent each year on corporate training without any assurance that the money is being spent wisely.

To combat the challenges, some mistakenly change all training to elearning because of a travel freeze or to reduce costs. While elearning can certainly be an effective medium, we recommended only doing training that (1) makes business sense and (2) is set up to succeed - regardless of the approach. Smart organizations make sure that they address a critical few best practice areas before launching any training initiative.

Starting off on the right foot provides the foundation to save time, money, and reputations. Is your next training initiative set up to succeed?

Get the Complimentary Online Training Benchmark...

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned

3 Steps to a Smarter Training Initiative

We believe that now is the perfect time for the training and development function to raise the bar.

Consider these paradoxes:

  1. Over $100b is spent on corporate training events each year, yet 3 out of 4 CEO's do not believe that training is impacting their business.

  2. 79% of organizations report acute skill gaps vis-à-vis their strategy, yet 80% of skills and knowledge are not transferred back to the job from isolated training events.

While we know that training events have their place in terms of career development, employee engagement, and team building, we have yet to find a client who believes that training "by itself" will drive tangible change or business results.

With most organizations facing continued pressure to reduce costs, increase sales revenue, and increase productivity, now is the time for Training and Development to raise the bar.

Building smarter training initiatives is about ensuring that training investments get meaningful results that are relevant to the business. Here are the three steps that we have found to be most effective.

Read about the 3 Key Steps to a Smarter Training Initiative...

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned