LSA Global Insights Newsletter: 4 Big Picture Ingredients When Designing an Effective Training Function from Scratch

June 25, 2014

4 Big Picture Ingredients When Designing an Effective Training Function from Scratch

Two recent high growth clients have made significant shifts in their learning and development functions.

The first, a 4,500 person networking firm appointed an internal candidate who was a successful systems engineer and sales leader to run the function. The second, a fast growing services firm of 350 employees that plans on doubling in size in 12 months, hired a high potential line manager from a competitor. While both are passionate about attracting, developing, engaging and retaining top talent, neither have any training, organizational development, instructional design or human capital experience or backgrounds.

And, they are both already making great moves and asking all the right questions. Why? Because they are both taking a no-nonsense business approach to learning...the same approach that everyone should take to treat talent differently and impact the business where and when it counts.

In addition to high executive-level expectations, their added challenge is to create (or re-create) the training department from scratch. The executive team wants a strategy and plan that makes sense and that will make a difference.

What are the big picture and essential ingredients of the ideal learning and development function?

Read about 4 Big Picture Ingredients When Designing an Effective Training Function from Scratch

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned