LSA Global Insights Newsletter: Leading High Performance Project Teams: The Art of Project Leadership

August 25, 2009

Leading High Performance Project Teams: The Art of Project Leadership

For projects to be successful, it is critical to pay attention to both the art and the science of improving project management skills.

While the science of project management includes the tools, methodologies, and practices to effectively define, plan, execute, and control a project, the art of project management performance refers to the "people side" of running a project.

As most experienced project leaders and team members have learned, the best plans, project assessments, tools, and technologies (the science) can crumble due to the pressures their teams encounter (the art) during complex and challenging projects.

Typically, these pressures manifest themselves as missed communication opportunities, ineffective meeting planning, unresolved conflicts, personality clashes, morale crushing internal organizational politics, unsuccessful problem solving, and poor decision making skills.

Don't let these common and costly challenges impede your project team's success.

Learn more about leading high performance project teams ..

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned